The "01 Pusher mini", the size between Pod and 01 Pusher!
Stainless steel version
Limited to 100 pieces
Size: 37*25*13.8
Surface treatment: polished inner liner + old stonewashed nail piece + polished patch
Polished titanium version
Limited edition of 50 pieces
Size: 37*25*13.8
Finish: polished inner liner + polished nail + hand-rubbed patch
Frosted Titanium Edition
Limited to 50 pieces
Size: 37*25*13.8
Surface treatment: polished inner liner + frosted nail + hand-rubbed patch
Zirconium polished version
Limited to 40 pieces
Size: 37*25*13.8
Weight: 71.2g
Surface treatment: polished liner + frosted nail + frosted patch
Zirconium Frosted Edition
Limited to 60 pieces
Size: 37*25*13.8
Finish: polished inner liner + frosted nail + frosted patch